Join 50 + members in the Calm Cycle Hub for women ready to connect the dots. 

Master Your Cycle 

End the Rollercoaster: Achieve Calm and Energy 
Every Day of Your Cycle

The Lack of Consistency Can Be Mind Boggling!!

One minute, you feel like you're on top of the world, winning at life. Your relationship is secure, you love your partner, creative ideas flow effortlessly, and you're brimming with energy and positivity. 

But then, as if a switch flips overnight, you've transformed into a different person. Your body feels like a foreign entity, you find yourself irritable and frustrated with everyone and everything, anxiety peaks, and you're left struggling to cope. The worst part? You desperately want to decipher the 'why' behind these drastic mood swings, but the answers remain elusive. 

It's a rollercoaster of emotions, and finding stability in the chaos seems like an impossible challenge
  • Confusing Mood Swings: You're sailing through life, but suddenly, your mood takes an unexplained nosedive. You're left feeling like a stranger to yourself, irritable, anxious, and lost in the chaos.
  • ​​Inconsistent Emotions: Your emotions feel like a rollercoaster, making stability seem like an unattainable dream.
  • ​​Desperate Search for Answers: You're wracking your brain, trying to pinpoint what's triggering these mood swings. Is it your diet? A supplement? You've even considered therapy sessions.
  • ​​Contemplating Drastic Changes: The thought of making radical life changes crosses your mind. Maybe it's time to relocate, or perhaps you've questioned the viability of your relationship and even your marriage.
  • Pain and headaches that seem to rear up out of nowhere to leave you laying in bed wondering the trigger. 
  • ​IBS that come out of the blue after you had a takeaway meal, which but last week you where fine with it? 

The whole thing is just baffling!!

 What if you could stop feeling confused and anxious about your moods? And instead connect the dots and start to fix your anxiety, low moods, bloating, pain and moodiness so you can feel calm, connected, and body confident all month long.

Here is what happens when you figure out what makes your cycle tick: 
  • Communicate your needs more effectively. 
  • ​​Anticipate mood swings and take proactive steps to manage them effectively.
  • ​​Have healthier, more understanding, and less conflicted relationships.
  • ​Show up with confidence and authenticity.
  • ​​Make better decisions in your personal and professional lives.
  • ​Be empowered to take control of your emotional well-being and take action to improve your life on a daily basis. 

It took a while for me to understand the benefits of mapping my cycle!! 
My personal "a-ha" moment came during my monthly ritual of visiting the chiropractor for back pain that just wouldn't quit. One day, as I flipped through my calendar, I noticed something that made me stop dead in my tracks. I'd been booking those chiropractor appointments on the very same day of my cycle each month, without fail.

You guessed it—the same day that these symptoms descended upon me like a storm. It was uncanny, to say the least. But it didn't stop there. 

As I delved deeper into the world of tracking, I began to uncover more connections—ones I never thought possible.

Not only did I spot the pain as a cycle-time companion, but I also discovered that sinus congestion and keratosis pilaris had made themselves right at home in this hormonal symphony. It was like a whirlwind of discovery, and I couldn't get enough of it.

This was the moment when everything changed. I transitioned from merely tracking these mysterious shifts to becoming absolutely obsessed with understanding them. I dived headfirst into the world of body signs and cycles, eventually moving on to help women navigate the stormy waters of emotional upheaval during their cycles.

It turns out that tracking wasn't just a tool for my own healing; it was the key to unlocking the door for other women who had faced similar challenges. The focus shifted from my personal journey to guiding others through their cycles, emotions, and the incredible sense of harmony that awaited them.

All it takes are 3 Simple Steps 

Track Your Cycle 

👉 Discover how to Track and Map Your Cycle Symptoms: Navigate Them with Ease Throughout Your Calm Cycle Journey

Decode Your Cycle 

👉 Feeling Confused About Your Hormone Balance? Gain Insight and Solutions to Understand Your Hormones and Achieve Balance.

Calm Cycle Diet 

👉 Discover the Ultimate Cycle-Nourishing Foods: Master Eating Strategies for Lasting Calm, Energy, and Balance Throughout Every Phase

So here's where the Calm Hub comes in ... 

A membership designed to unravel the mysteries, pinpoint recurring patterns in your symptoms with anxiety, depression, bloating, and headaches, and, most importantly, provide you with a clear understanding of your monthly symptoms and how to get back on track. 
Welcome to the
Calm Cycle Hub
A place for women to gain insight, connect the dots and make sense of the monthly mayhem and madness! 
When you jump in and join us: 
You get everything you need to quickly unravel the monthly chaos and demystify  your unique pre-menstrual symptoms!
You’ll get instant access to:
  • 9 bite-sized lessons that provide you with the step-by-step actions and deep level information to own your cycle
  • ​Including 2 journals. 1 planner, 1 calendar, 2 workbooks, 3 Masterclasses. 1 ebook, 1 tool kit, 1 meal plan and counting ... 
  • ​Newest hormones support methods and mood hacks 
  • ​Access to the Calm Cycle Hub Facebook group for a supportive and connection-focused community 
  • ​Feedback on your workbooks and journals  to help you gain clarity around your cycle 
  • ​2 Live Q&As every month
  • Dietary support 
Calm Cycle Journey
Menstrual Cycle Workbook
Cyclic Symptoms MasterClass
Decode Your Symptoms Ebook
Discover Your Hormones Checklist
Hormone Harmony masterclass
Food Mood Tool Kit
4 Week Cycle Syncing Meal Plan
Nourish Your Cycle Masterclass

And to help you go deeper in your journey I wanted to gift you these bonuses ... 

Learn The How to's of the key supplements to take through your cycle for anxiety, anger, agitation, brain fog and rage

Use the Moon to track your moods and cycle so that you can live in sync and harmony with your natural rhythm 

A Journal for Women to Honour Their Body's Needs and Cravings through Cycle Nutrition

I've witnessed these strategies bring about profound transformations in my clients' lives. They've reported substantial improvements in mood swings, anxiety, IBS symptoms, and relief from those pesky, debilitating headaches that often accompany their cycles.

👉The Calm Cycle Hub is for you if... 

You are clueless about your monthly cycle and the impact your hormones have on your moods and symptoms. 

You're ready to get clarity around your monthly symptoms so you can then move to the next step in your healing journey 
If you can check one of these boxes, you’re in the right place!
Join the Calm Cycle Hub today
If you are only just realising that your intense mood swings are down to your cycle then this hub is for you.
These lessons will act as a guide for you to take 1 step at a time so that you can become the boss of your cycle and make the transformation from what's been holding you back 😍
If you're thinking now is not the time.. let me tell you it will never be a better time to get on track, learn about YOU and then transform that into how you want to live in this world. 
Expect to get down and dirty in this membership: 
  • This is a wholehearted approach to your mood swings (we don't compartmentalise here) 
  • ​This will allow you to get the accountability and feedback that you need to get clarity. 
  • ​This membership will be your guide, you won't be left stranded! You'll be taken by the hand and shown the path.  
  • ​You aren’t in this alone anymore. Be part of a supportive community of amazing people that are on the same journey.
  • ​There is no risk (7-day money back guarantee and you can cancel at any time)
  • I have priced this $7 a month, and I priced it at this point because I want YOU and everyone who needs this to have access. I understand the suffering your monthly mood swings can have and the impact it can also have on finances. 
I have seen these tools work for myself and my clients. 

This is a path that will bring you insight, connection and real results. 
Frequently asked questions
Q: I don't have a period. Will this still work for me?
A: Yes, even without a bleed, women get monthly cycles that impact their mood. 
Q: Can I wait and join next month?
A: Yes, you can but the price might increase.
Q: How much support is included?
A: There is a private Facebook Group, and your question will be answered in 48 hours. 
Q: How is the program delivered?  
A: The Calm Cycle Hub is on a membership site, and you will receive login details once you join.
Q: I am planning on getting pregnant will this be safe
A: Yes, tracking your moods and symptoms is perfectly safe; this can also help with conception. 
Q: When will I get access?
A: You will receive an email with all the details immediately after your purchase and will get access to our Calm Cycle Group within 24 hours.
Q: Will I have access to all the material
A: The material is being drip fed over 2 months. You will get access to the the first phase and then phase 2 and 3 will be delivered over the next 6 weeks. 
Q: Can I cancel the membership?
A: Yes, you can cancel this membership any time.
Q: Is there a money-back guarantee?
A: Yes, there is a 7-Day no-questions-asked money-back-guarantee.

Naomi judge

© 2024naomi 
naomi judge
brook street
sydney, australia 
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